Insights into Corporate Culture


The actors in the video are trying to encourage others to speak up if they feel something isn’t right in their work environment.  They don’t want people to keep ignoring behavioral that isn’t ethical in their work culture.  In the video it states, “The behaviors I accept are what I Condone and the behaviors ignored are what I sanction,” If we accept what people around us are doing wrong then it clearly means we follow their same beliefs.   
It’s hard to just go in and change corporate culture because people get so use to their normal policies and producers at work it soon becomes a norm to them.  If they were to change anything dealing with work many people would panic because of the adjustments to new policies.
If we had to change anything dealing with corporate culture we would include the employees on helping us suggest ideas and even making major changes to the company.  This will allow every employee to have some sort of say in the changes and will not freak everyone out when change does occur. 
When I worked with Lowes our floor manager would gather all cashiers together once a week.  Our manager would reward us with refreshments and snacks as we went over next week’s plan of action.  She would sit with us and have a face to face conversation wanting to know any concerns going on around us and would also gather ideas on how to improve sales for the upcoming week.  Each meeting allowed every cashier to suggest new policies and talk about different changes we could make at our local store.

About cindyarevalo2

Hey... I'm originally from Texas... Moved to Alaska back in October of 2010. So far it has been one awesome experience just love it here. I love to play tennis and stay active as mush as possible. I have a son who is 10 months his name is Nathaniel or Nate.

One response »

  1. Your manager at Lowes sounds like a good one, providing structure and getting employee input. Its nice to hear those folks are out there. I usually hear just the opposite.

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